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4500 Series
There are many detail variations across the class, but by producing the four key options for the 4500 series set out in the table below, and taking advantage of sertain removeable components such as safety valve bonnets and rear sandboxes, most of the prototypical variations can be covered. It's important to check these details when selecting your chosen locomotive. A maximum of 75 models will be built.

TYPE Curved or square
drop end
Frames Outside
steam pipes
Smokebox Chimney Superheater Front
Bunker Buffers Topfeed  Safety Valve bonnet  Brake hangers Side tanks  Cab portholes Cab floor height  Cab shutters  Cab roof Rear sandboxes
 1  Square Short   No Short   Copper  No No  Flat rear Taper  No   Tall  Early Flat, early
rivet pattern 
Yes  Low  No  Detachable Early 
 2  Square Short  No  Extended Copper   No Yes Short Taper  No   Tall  Early  Flat, early
rivet pattern
Yes  Low   No Detachable Early 
 3  Square Extended  Yes  Extended Iron  Yes  Yes  Long  Parallel Yes, feed
pipes through tanks
Tall or short (removable) Late   Flat, later
rivet pattern
 Yes Raised   Yes* Detachable  Early or late
 4  Curved Long   Yes  Extended  Iron Yes Yes  Long  Parallel  Yes, feed
pipes through tanks
Tall or short (removable)  Late Flat, later
rivet pattern
 Yes  Raised Yes**  Detachable Early or late

* Denotes that up to 5 would be built without shutters        **Denotes that up to 8 would be built without shutters

4575 Series
The situation with the 4575 series of locomotives is considerably simpler and we will build one basic type acording to the table below. A maximum of 65 models will be built.

TYPE Curved or square
drop end
Frames Outside
steam pipes
Smokebox Chimney Superheater Front
Bunker Buffers Topfeed  Safety Valve bonnet  Brake hangers Side tanks  Cab portholes Cab floor height  Cab shutters  Cab roof Rear sandboxes
 5  Curved Long   Yes Extended   Iron  Yes Yes  Long Parallel  Yes, feed
pipes through tanks
Tall or short (removable)  Late Sloping, late
rivet pattern 
No  Raised  Yes  Detachable Early or late